Dear patients, families, and friends,
It was 1982 when many of you were my original infant patients. 37 years later you have continued to grow and develop; and some to be parents and even grandparents. All of you have been like family to me. I am writing to inform you that effective June 1st, 2019 I am retiring from active practice of Pediatrics at Fairport Pediatrics, LLP in good health to explore some of life’s other opportunities.
A wonderful experienced female pediatrician Lee Edwards, D.O. has been selected to join our group and assure the uninterrupted care of my patients. Your loyalty to our group and our mission of providing quality, convenient care to all should make the transition easy.
All medical records will remain at Fairport Pediatrics and there should be no issues with school forms, prescriptions, or scheduling appointments. The entire group will continue to meet same day needs of your children and families.
On initial contact for services after June 1st, there may be extra paperwork to update family and social histories for our electronic records and designating Dr. Lee Edwards as your primary care provider at the insurance provider level.
Older patients may consider this a good time to transition to an Internal Medicine office. Dr. David Kopp, and Dr. Steven Howard down the hall have offered to accept patients. If you chose a new physician you will need to complete an authorization to release your medical records so that a copy may be forwarded to your new physician.
Thank you for having chosen me and Fairport Pediatrics, LLP as your physician. Thank you for the privilege of providing care to your children over the years. Sending them off to college, other adventures, and adulthood in good health and with life skills and health habits has been my pleasure and honor. Those of you still finding your way are the promise of the future. I will remain in the Rochester community and hope to see you all at the grocery store, Amerks games, the YMCA, or Fairport Music Festival. I can receive personal mail through the office.
Richard A. Bloom, MD